Relocating to Florida from Oregon to recover from stressful family and medical issues.
Photo of Rob Daniels shop
A 3/4" plywood floor covers 2x6 joists at 24" on center atop a concrete slab. Under-floor ductwork feeds the dust collector in the 8x8' corner room.

When Rob Daniels relocated to Florida from Oregon, he was hoping the move would help him recover from stressful family and medical issues. He started over with a smaller house than the one in Oregon and took the opportunity to build his dream shop from scratch. He hoped that spending time in the shop would bring much-needed emotional healing and stress-relief.

Diagram of Rob Daniels shop

The 24×36' steel building he erected for his shop features a raised 3⁄4" plywood  floor. It's comfortable to walk and stand on, Rob says, and provides a pathway for the 4" dust collection ductwork that runs beneath it. 

Rob insulated the shop walls and lined them wih a 4'-tall wainscoting of 5⁄8" T1-11 siding panels, with oriented-strand board (OSB) above for wall-hung storage. To hide the seam where the two intersect, he installed a wide, decorative French cleat.

Photo of custom cabinets in shop.
Custom cabinets surrounding Rob's tablesaw offer stock support and accessory storage. Rob's custom-built workbench makes an ideal outfeed support

Because his house has 200-amp electrical service with plenty of capacity, Rob ran a line out to the shop and installed a 100-amp subpanel. While he was at it, he added cabling so he could reliably connect to the internet from his shop.

To keep the shop cool in the Florida weather, Rob installed a 15,000-BTU window air conditioner in one end and uses ceiling fans to help circulate the air. An 8' roll-up door at the opposite end of the shop makes it easy to get materials in and finished projects out. On temperate days, Rob leaves the door open to provide fresh air and lots of natural light. Windows and LED ceiling fixtures provide additional lighting.

Photo of CNC router and table
Rob uses the CNC router for 3D carvings and cutouts, but he's not above using hand tools when appropriate.

Tucked into one corner behind a 3' stub wall, Rob built a desktop and a workbench that serves as a home for his computer and CNC router. He installed a webcam so he could keep an eye on the CNC machine without having to be in the shop. In contrast to this high-tech tool, Rob proudly displays his hand-tool collection in a custom cabinet on the adjacent wall.

Photo of the custom bench.
The centerpiece of Rob's shop is this bench he designed and built. It provides a large worksurface for project assembly, plus ample drawer and shelf space below.

Rob takes great pride in the workbench he built during the coronavirus lockdown of 2020. As a retired graphic designer, he put a lot of thought into the design. The solid base features split turnings applied to 4×4 western cedar legs. The 3×4 yellow pine frame trimmed in eastern cedar and oak contributes to the bench's rock-solid stability.  The sunburst applique on one end started out as an old scrollsaw pattern he enlarged and cut with his CNC router.

For certain, Rob doesn't need an excuse to spend a lot of hours in his insulated, air-conditioned, well-equipped, and roomy shop. He gets to spend that time designing and creating, forgetting about the world outside his shop doors.

Photo of Rob Daniels
After working 25 years as co-owner of an internet development company, Rob now passes the time working with his hands and experimenting with new techniques to see an idea become a finished piece.