Fasteners and Hardware

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Setscrews catch the ends of the grooves, stopping the drawer's travel when it's pulled out or pushed in.
Make MDF Joints That Last
Create solid connections in this economical material.
Avoiding nail blowout: straight to the point
I read with interest the answer you gave about avoiding blowout with pneumatic nail guns in the November 2007 issue of WOOD (issue 180, page 92).
Should you choose brads or pins?
My pneumatic brad nailer has served me well, but I’m curious about pin nailers that shoot pins even finer than brads.

More Fasteners and Hardware

Always reveal your butt hinges evenly
Installing butt hinges for inset doors while ensuring a consistent hinge exposure has always given me grief.
Nailer gauge makes anyone a straight shooter
You know that gut-punch feeling you get when a brad blows through the side of a case assembly? Never experience it again.