Milling Stock

Transforming logs into lumber saves money, but takes patience and skillful technique. Learn about milling trees and jointing and planing your way to square, true stock.

Most Recent

No-fail Routines for Jointing and Planing
Basic instruction on using a jointer and planer, plus a video demonstration of the techniques.
How do I prevent home-center wood from warping?
It seems like every pine board I buy from the home center soon warps and becomes almost unusable. How can I stop this?
Waterfall Wonder
Create miter joints on natural-edge slabs for the look of a continuous-grain drop-off.
Planer tricks & truths
Follow these simple steps for top results every time.

More Milling Stock

How to Work With Natural-Edge Slabs
Let Mother Nature be your co-designer as you build dazzling projects with wavy edges, bristly burrs, bark inclusions, and other “flaws” that give wood a look of unrefined beauty.
From Knotty to Nice
Get as much clear lumber as possible from knotty woods.
6 steps to perfect stock

Save money by buying rough-sawn lumber, and then turn that stock into ideal boards with your jointer, planer, and tablesaw using this simple method.