
Most Recent

Let The Good Times Scroll
Nothing beats the thin blade and reciprocating action of a scrollsaw for making intricate cuts in wood and sheet goods.
Scrollsaw-blade drawer
Make this fabulous little storage unit with common cove moldings available at any home center.
Intarsia tips and tricks
From the team that reinvented intarsia in North America.
More scrollsawing tips and tricks
Even more shop-tested scrollsaw tips from scrollers around the country.
Turn photos and drawings into scrollsaw patterns
I do a lot of scrollsawing and I’m always trying to find new patterns. I’m also interested in making my own scrollsaw patterns. Could you help me get started?

More Scrollsaws

Scrollsawing Tips
Even more shop-tested scrollsaw tips from scrollers around the country.
Expert advice for scrollsaws
We asked Rick Hutcheson, our scrollsawing expert for the past decade, to pass along some tips for those new to the craft.