Search results for "breadboard ends"

154 Results
Breadboard ends
More than just a pretty edge, a breadboard hides end grain without blowing apart your solid-wood tabletop.
Serve up a breadboard end without tricky mortises
Concealing a tabletop's end grain using breadboard ends can be tricky. We show you how to make it work.
Serve up a breadboard end without tricky mortises
Recently, I built an oak dining room table and wanted to use breadboard ends to conceal the tabletop's end grain.
Five Ways To Slice Breadboard Ends
Enhance the look and stability of solid-wood tabletops, lids, and doors.
8 ways to make end-to-end joints that hold
Check out these eight solutions, from basic to beautiful for butt joints.
Lighten up end grain
When staining wood, making end grain match the faces of a board can be tricky, especially in porous woods such as oak.
End game for dowel drilling
This simple drilling guide ensures straight and centered holes on the end of the dowel. 
Sand perfect end bevels
When a project requires multiple spindles or other pieces with beveled ends, it becomes quickly apparent if the bevels aren’t uniform.
Tool stop ends chuck mishaps
As a beginning turner, I find this gives me extra safety and peace of mind.
End Pipe-Clamp Storage Problems
Not all of us have a lot of room in our shops to put in a big rack for pipe clamps.
Bore Dowel End Without Breakage
I've seen a lot of tricks for drilling centered holes into dowel ends, but I've never seen one that would allow me to bore a 1⁄8" hole into a 3⁄16"-diameter dowel without blowing out the side. Here is the method I came up with that gives me that ability.
End Pipe-Clamp Storage Problems
Not all of us have a lot of room in our shops to put in a big rack for pipe clamps. But there are other ways to store them.
Reposition holesaw to end sawdust woes
I've used a holesaw many times in the past to cut out wheels for toys.
Easy end-grain shooting board
Paring down end grain with a hand plane can be jarring both to your hand and to the tool.