Wood Species Guide

Here you'll find all you need to know about choosing and using various species of wood. Learn about wood properties and working characteristics so you can build better projects.

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Nuts about Walnut
Black walnut trees commonly reach heights of 100' or more with 3'-diameter trunks, yielding copious amounts of consistent, straight grain—a lumberman's dream.
Working with pine, tips and tricks for success
The same wood you used in shop class lends a nice look to country-style furniture.
What's the difference between yellow poplar and tulip poplar?
In my part of the country, yellow poplar is readily available. I hear people from other parts of the country talk about tulip poplar. What’s the difference?
What the heck is QSWO?
I see the abbreviation QSWO in the woodmagazine.com forums a lot and have no idea what it means. Any help?
What is 'frake'?
I came across an article discussing the use of a wood called “frake” in a ship’s interior. Where does this wood come from, and where can I get some to work with?

More Wood Species Guide

What's the best food-safe wood for cutting boards?
I’m going to make some cutting boards, but I’m not sure which woods are food-safe. What can I use, and what shouldn’t I use?
Bamboo basics

Is laminated bamboo available in lumber form from wood suppliers, and in what thicknesses and widths? Also, can you tell me more about its properties and recommended finishes?