Hammers and Mallets

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Heirloom persuader dead-blow mallet
Whether coaxing together the closely fitted dovetails of a drawer, finger joints of a box, or mortise-and-tenon joints of a cabinet door, you'll appreciate the concentrated no-rebound striking power of this handsome mallet.
What is a dead-blow mallet?
My dovetail jig manual suggests using a dead-blow mallet on tight joints. What is it, and why should I buy one?
Centered screws depend on a good start
Many times when using an awl or a nail to mark a position for drilling a pilot hole, heavy grain in the wood causes the awl to veer off the desired centerpoint.
Ding-free Dead-blow Mallets
These handy helpers offer powerful persuasion with a gentle touch.
A Guide to Hammers
You'll be in the swing with these handy hammers.