Circular Saws

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Tracksaw vs. Circular Saw
I hear a lot of talk about tracksaws and how useful they are. For years, I’ve gotten by just fine using a circular saw with a straightedge guide. Am I missing something? Is there a big advantage to a tracksaw vs. a circular saw with a guide?
Get better cuts from any circular saw
Yes, you can make cabinet-quality cuts with this much-maligned tool, by using these can't-miss tips.
Circular-saw Blades
This blade has been a favorite of ours for years, and the newest version delivers cleaner cuts than ever before.
Circular-saw Blades
This blade has been a favorite of ours for years, and the newest version delivers cleaner cuts than ever before.
Circular-saw-blade Basics
Although they look similar, blades are designed for specific tools and uses.
Cordless Circ Saws
If you haven’t already switched to one of these, try it. You’ll wonder how you ever tolerated a corded saw.

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