
Learn handy tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your jigsaw. Discover more about jigsaw blade selection to useful techniques for smooth jigsaw cuts whether you're cutting curves or making straight saw cuts.

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Make cleaner jigsaw cuts
Choose the right tooth count for the cuts you make.
Taming Complex Curves
Laying out irregular curves need not be difficult. Here's an easy ways to get your "ducks" in a row.
Cordless Jigsaws
Although you’ll rarely cut project parts to final size and shape with a jigsaw, one that cuts clean curves and field cuts minimizes sanding afterward, Learn which of 12 battery-powered tools are the best
Large holes in 5 easy steps
Boring big or odd-size holes just got a whole lot easier using this simple method.
Choosing Jigsaw Blades
Blade selection makes a big difference in the performance and cut quality of any jigsaw. Follow these tips for selecting the right blade for any job.
Jigsaw buying guide
Don’t cut corners when buying one of these curve-cutting tools.

More Jigsaws

Forming Perfect Slots

For arrow-straight slots with crisp, clean ends and edges, let your router table, a few shop-made accessories, and a little know-how help you produce on-target results.